Level 3 Emergency First Responder
What You’ll Learn
Understand the role and responsibilities of a first responder
Know how to assess a scene at an emergency incident
Be able to assess a patient
Be able to assess a patient’s airway
Be able to manage a patient’s airway
Be able to manage an unresponsive patient who is not breathing normally
Be able to use appropriate equipment during a resuscitation attempt
Be able to administer emergency oxygen
Other information (Handover, Information Gathering and Secondary Survey)
Be able to manage catastrophic bleeding
Be able to manage a patient who is in shock
Be able to manage a patient who is bleeding
Understand how to identify, assess and manage a patient with breathing difficulties
Know how to manage a patient with anaphylaxis
Know how to manage a patient with a suspected major illness
Know how to manage a patient who is in seizure
Know how to manage a patient who is in shock
Course Assessment
Certificate Award
Externally accredited and certificated by Qualsafe Awards Ltd

Course Dates & Locations
We can provide this training course at a date and location of your choice.
Suited Professions
- Police Officers
- Firefighters
- Security Guards
- Cabin Crew
- Event First Aiders and Volunteers
- Film Crews
- Industrial Response / Hazardous Working Teams
There are no formal pre-requisites for this training course however due to the complex nature of the syllabus and time constraints – XET impose a minimum of a valid FAW certificate to gain entry to this course, in line with our Quality Management Plan
Related Training Courses
First Aid at Work
FREC – First Response Emergency Care Level 3
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